Kristina Joins the llama Family: Hear Her Story of Growth and Contribution Romik MesrkhaniJuly 19, 2023
Simplify Your Currency Management in IBM TRIRIGA with llama's Currency Conversion Upload Tool Judith KilthauNovember 2, 2021
Dynamic Space Planning in Tririga 10.8 Ahren Lembke-WindlerJanuary 20, 2021ibm, tririga, 10.8, upgrades, space planning
IBM has released Tririga 10.7. Take a look! IBM, releases, TririgaAhren Lembke-WindlerJune 26, 2020ibm, tririga, version, lease accounting improves decision making by powering Tririga with Tableau Ahren Lembke-WindlerApril 21, 2020
An expert makes SSO in TRIRIGA easy for you Ahren Lembke-WindlerMarch 31, 2020tririga, sso, websphere liberty
Combine Tririga and Blue Prism to supercharge your Digital Transformation Ahren Lembke-WindlerMarch 24, 2020tririga, llamaEx, blue prism, digital transformation